Study subjects

Digital signal processors

Laboratory: SPLab
Garant: Ing. Petr Sysel, Ph.D.
Area of study: Acoustic signal processing
Level and semester: Master's studies, 3rd semester


The aim of the course is to introduce students to the architecture and basic properties of fixed- and floating-point digital signal processors, to describe the method of assembler programming, and to outline the conection with higher programming languages. Also covered is the implementation of algorithms of linear and adaptive digital filtering.

Learning outcomes and competences

The student will be able to design and adapt algorithms of digital signal processing for implementation on digital signal processor. He will be familiar with basic architectures of digital signal processors, their properties, and their employment in practical applications.


Definition of digital signal processor, its differences from the other microprocessors. Generations of digital signal processors and their typical features, trends of development. Basic digital signal processor architectures. Freescale fixed-point digital signal processors. Processor core and the sum of peripherals. Memory mapping. Development tools. Instruction set and the way it is applied. Connection with programming in the C-language. Canonic and non-canonic structures for implementing type IIR and FIR digital filters on digital signal processor. Adaptive LMS algorithm and its implementation. Generation of harmonic signal and harmonic analysis, Goertzel’s algorithm, structure of FFT algorithm and its types. Floating-point digital signal processors and their distinguishing features. IEEE-754 Standard, fixed- and floating-point number formats. Real-time processing. VLIW architecture.

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