
SPLab Research Group is part of the Brno University of Technology and is dedicated to basic and applied research, especially in the areas of processing of voice, images, videos and text. We have experience in projects together with small, medium, and supranational organizations, and we offer advanced and customized solutions for various industry.

  • data-mining
    The group deals with the application of artificial intelligence techniques to knowledge mining from databases. It can be applied in particular to image processing, signal processing (voice and music), and mining in the text.
  • human-machine interaction
    The group deals with issues (cognitive science, software engineering, artificial intelligence, signal processing, psychology, sociology and anthropology) of interdisciplinary interaction between human beings and computer systems.
  • non-orthogonal signal representation
    The main objective of the group is dealing with non-orthogonal signals and their application in various areas. The group is dedicated to tracking these modern trends, both generally and specifically by focusing on finding new applications.
  • acoustic signal processing
    The group is interested in the processing of audio signals from the pickup and analysis (the sound source, quality) through modification (sound effects), transmission (compression) to reproduction (ambisonics…).
  • biomedical signal processing
    The group focuses on signal analysis, which leads to the facilitation or improvement of diagnostic procedures and a better description or modeling of the human body as a complex dynamic spatial object.