
About group

The object of the group’s research is the data analysis methods and data extraction methods for the detection of new knowledge and for identifying non-trivial relationships in data or automation of processes with the aid of computer systems. The research group is engaged in the processing of one-, two- and three-dimensional signals as well as unstructured data, and the training of models of artificial intelligence in order to refine and automate the required procedures.

Some of the research group outcomes are provided through open-source products, such as the Java Evolution Framework (JEF) (link), which provides designs of systems via grammar- guided genetic programming, or a tool for analyzing image data IMMI (link), where the group is collaborating with Rapid-I (link) which provides tools for the processing and mining of image data.

Companies and universities we are cooperating with

Relation to the study subjects

  • Signals and systems analysis (BASS)
  • Studioengineering (BSHE)
  • Theoretical informatics (MTIN)
  • Advanced techniques of image processing (MPZO)
  • Digital signal processing (MCSI)
  • Speech processing (MZPR)

Information for potential applicants

The group admits new members and is interested in those candidates who wish to become more closely acquainted with the techniques of data mining (data mining), evolutionary algorithms, and machine learning. The group is also particularly interested in students who are willing to learn new methods and algorithms. The group offers part of its work under an open-source license.

Important publications

BURGET, R., KARÁSEK, J., SMÉKAL, Z., UHER V., DOSTÁL, O.: RapidMiner Image Processing Extension: A Platform for Collaborative Research. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing, Baden Austria 2010.

KARÁSEK, J.; BENEŠ, R.: Image Filter Design Based on Evolution. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference Student EEICT 2010. Volume 5. Brno: NOVPRES, 2010. pp. 251-255. ISBN 978-80-214-4080-7.

KARÁSEK, J.; BURGET, R.; BENEŠ, R.; NAGY, Ľ.: Grammar Guided Genetic Programming for Automatic Image Filter Design. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Knowledge in Telecommunication Technologies and Optics. Ostrava: VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, 2010. pp. 205-210. ISBN: 978-80-248-2330-0.