Ing. Zoltán Galáž, Ing. Jiří Mekyska, prof. Ing. Zdeněk Smékal, CSc.
Date of creation: 19. 1. 2017
It is possible to download software here.
In the field of biomedical signal processing (e.g. pathological speech signal processing), it is often the case that the data we analyse were obtained from the two independent measurements. To investigate whether the measurements provide statistically relevant information, we can use so called “test re-test analysis” tool (TRAT).
Software TRAT provides the functions for the computation of so called “test re-test variability” [%], “intra-class correlation coefficient” (ICC) and its associated p-value (significance value of correlation), Pearson’s correlation coefficient and its p-value. The tool also provides function to visualize the correlation diagrams (linear relationship between the measurements). It is written in the MATLAB programming environment. The testing script can be used to test functionality of the software.
This work was supported by projects AZV 16-30805A and LO1401. The described research was performed in laboratories supported by the SIX project; the registration number CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072, the operational program Research and Development for Innovation.
To negotiate the license terms of use of this software please contact the responsible person Ing. Lukas Novak at Technology Transfer Office, Brno University of Technology, Kounicova 966/67a, Veveří, 60200, Brno, Czech Republic,