The group is interested in the processing of single- and multi-channel audio signals from the pickup (microphone signal processing fields) and analysis (the sound source, noise measurement, visualization, quality) through modification (sound effects, the suppression of unwanted signals), transmission (compression) to reproduction (ambisonics, wavefield synthesis, surround sound).
Lecture: Fractional order derivatives in online handwriting parametrization 3.10.2019 0:00
Signal Processing Laboratory invites you to a lecture of Ing. Jan Mucha that will be held on November 19, 2019 at the Department of Telecommunications (Conference room, 7th floor, T12 building, time: 10:30), Technická 12, Brno.
Lecture: Automatic Transformation of Empirical Data Distribution as an Experimental Pre-Processing Step for Neural Networks 24.9.2019 14:00
Signal Processing Laboratory invites you to a lecture of Ing. Pavol Harar, that will be held on September 24, 2019 at the Department of Telecommunications (Conference room, 7th floor, T12 building), Technická 12, Brno.