Bc. Daniel Petrásek, Ing. Jiří Mekyska, prof. Ing. Zdeněk Smékal, CSc.
It is possible to download software here.
Publication to be cited
FAÚNDEZ ZANUY, M.; MEKYSKA, J.; ESPINOSA-DURÓ, V. On the focusing of thermal images. PATTERN RECOGNITION LETTERS, 2011, vol. 32, no. 11, pp. 1548-1557. ISSN: 0167-8655.
BENEŠ, R.; DVOŘÁK, P.; FAÚNDEZ ZANUY, M.; ESPINOSA-DURÓ, V.; MEKYSKA, J. Multi-focus Thermal Image Fusion. Pattern Recognition Letters. ISSN: 0167-8655. In Print (ID: PRLETTERS-D-12-00515R1).
In thermal spectrum (similarly to the visible one) there are sometimes cases when the image fusion must be applied. This technique is used especially when it is important to acquire a perfectly focused image but the camera provides a low depth of field. In this case it is possible to capture the images using different focal distance, then apply focus measure algorithms, extract the focused areas and compose them into one well focused image.
This software enables user to fuse thermal images that we acquired by thermal camera TESTO-882 or that have similar *.BMT format. To run the software use command image_fusion As soon as the software is run there will occur a graphic user interface with particular menus and wit an area where the fused and noise-cancelled image is depicted. First of all use button “Image folder path” to select a folder where the *.BMT files are stored (all these files will be used to fuse the resulting image). In menu “Evaluation type” select a method that will be used for a detection of focused image area. It is possible to select: variance, energy of image gradient (EOG), tenengrad, energy of Laplace operator (EOL) and sum-modified Laplacian (SML). Next it is possible to select a method on noise-cancellation: image blur using Gaussian filter or thresholding the detail coefficients of wavelet transform. In case of wavelet transform it is possible to select also the type of wavelet (symlet, coiflet, Haar wavelet), type of thresholding (soft, hard, mix) and a level of decomposition. The fusion is performed when pressing button “Fusion”. Consequently it is possible to store both images to*.mat file. Beside the graphic user interface there is also function fuze that can be used as well.
This work was supported by projects KONTAKT ME10123, VG20102014033 and FEKT-S-11-17. The described research was performed in laboratories supported by the SIX project; the registration number CZ.1.05/2.1.00/03.0072, the operational program Research and Development for Innovation.
To negotiate the license terms of use of this software please contact the responsible person Ing. Jiri Kouril at Technology Transfer Office, Brno University of Technology, Kounicova 966/67a, Veveří, 60200, Brno, Czech Republic,