The project is aimed at preparing the cooperation of academic staff, students and people from the commercial sector in the area of signal processing at an international level, and at the integration of research teams involved in the processing of digital signals into strong international links, which will allow knowledge and technologies to be transferred among the subjects involved. The project is focused on the cooperation between centers of excellence within the European Union, especially in the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, UK, Italy, Denmark, and Spain.
The following tools will be used to achieve the objectives of the project: support for short stays of research team members in foreign centers of excellence and holding cutting-edge scientific conferences leading to the establishment of cooperation with leading international workplaces; support for the placement of foreign workers, leading to a transfer of new ideas and methods for solving scientific problems; support for short visits to important foreign scientists, leading to further education of research and development employees in the field of organization of research and development; organization of international workshops leading to building and strengthening links with international networks of research and development; systematic education and professional training of young researchers in effective management of new international scientific groups; support for placing target group members in foreign institutions so that they can gain experience in the methodology of managing research activities.
The project will also create new information channels that will allow all interested parties to communicate better and more effectively, and which will also serve to motivate students in PhD and MSc programs and private sector companies to engage in the cooperation.