Study subjects

Advanced techniques of image processing

Laboratory: SPLab
Garant: doc. Ing. Kamil Říha, Ph.D.
Area of study: Data-mining, Human-machine interaction, Biomedical signal processing
Level and semester: Master's studies, 4th semester


To acquire applicative knowledge of advanced techniques of static and dynamic image processing 2D and 3D. Theoretical and practical mastering of advanced techniques image processing.

Learning outcomes and competences

Students will be acquainted with image processing techniques and their implementation. Emphasis is laid on acquiring of practical experience with main algorithms implementation in C++ language and using OpenCV library.


The theory and practice of advanced image processing techniques. Video sequence processing is included. The main areas of interest are camera model, its calibration, DFT image filtration, convolution, object recognition, biometric features recognition (skin, face, eye iris, papilar lines, walking), epipolar geometry, stereo pair analysis, correspondence problem, spatial information extraction, dynamic programming, homography, optical flow, motion in scene tracking.

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