IMMI – Rozšíření pro dolování z obrazových dat

Aktualizujte prosím na nejnovější verzi JAVA 7 a nastavte systémovou proměnnou JAVA_HOME. V opačném případě se může stát, že plugin způsobí zamrznutí rapidmineru při startu.

Více informací o tomto software se lze dočíst v sekci data-mining.

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Please give us your feedback. If we know who is using our software it will help us to take focus on areas you already demand.
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If you check the check-box, we will notify you about new releases in future. New releases are announced usually twice a year. Please provide your email if checked. You may opt out of these mailings at any time just clicking on link in each email.
If you check the check-box, we will notify when new training materials will be released. You may opt out of these mailings at any time just clicking on link in each email. Please provide your email if checked.
The Rapidminer software and IMMI are both dually licensed. If the AGPL license does no suit your needs, Rapidminer and IMMI can be also provided under commercial license. You may opt out of these mailings at any time just clicking on link in each email. Please provide your email if checked.
Providing your e-mail is optional. Please provide your e-mail if you have checked any check-box above. Otherwise, we would not be able to contact you. You may opt out of these mailings at any time just clicking on link in each email.
Behind this software are real people and real PhD students. They will be really pleased if you cite their work and give them motivation to add new operators in future.
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Please, tell us what is the purpose of using IMMI, what you are missing in IMMI or whatever that can help us making the IMMI even better in future.